they will help us get to the nearest settlement. keep it alive thank you excellent, petrov kosov thes on you for me we quickly found the group. rita, i know that you cannot forgive a cat and a moore for being allegedly left borisov to die in that car, if you were in their place, maybe you would have acted otherwise borisov would have been alive, we analyzed this situation very carefully. there were no errors. no one could have foreseen such an outcome. the explosion was pure coincidence. before the operation would have failed. i know perfectly well the passengers on the plane would have died, bizon batya, i don’t blame anyone. you know me prigov in the place of a cat. i would do exactly the same. if only i never forgave myself . well, i'll wait for you vaitohi until dinner. and for every living you will receive twice as much money as i promised. today is a good day brother justice will be done today. hello hello peaceful life helped me as a child, so i came here to help the people, if not me, then who fulfill the dream of a veteran, as a simple idea.