now feel the fiery sting of my tonfa of takanawa. kwaaaa!s made of a titanium alloy that shields me from heat. - that's bullcrap. titanium alloy, my ass. - well, let's see how he likes the icy blast of my nunchucks of kuramoto. ahh! - byah! [grunts] a nice attempt, ninja. but now both of you shall feel the power of my web of holding. [both scream] [both grunt] [laughs] now you are both trapped in spiderwebs. [both grunting] - all right, dickhole, time for you to pay. oh, no, i have no powers. kyle took them away from me. quick, kyle, give me back my powers so i can fight this evil villain. - okay, okay, you can have your powers back. - all right, and now i'll use my power to... turn kyle into a chicken. blam. - god damn it, cartman. - ♪ ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ now you are a chicken ♪ ♪ nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah ♪ - enough! i grow weary of your foolishness. professor chaos cannot be stopped. - oh, yeah? kenny, use your ninja star. - yeah. try this, professor chaos. feel my wrath! - [wailing] - oh, [bleep], dude. - butters. oh, my god. - [