so, where we are as a people is in terra nova. a place that nobody has occupied. rate of change has never occurred. in geological history over 3.5 years. since life started here. it's never happened. so, this idea that we should just focus on energy didn't appeal to me. i wanted to know what we could do to reverse global warming, right? and so, drawdown started out with some very clear understandings which is first of all, it could not be hierarchical in the sense of hierarchies exist and that's very fine. but we needed to be a "we" to talked to the "we." we need to be a collaborative, a collaborative effort. 60 drawdown fellows from all over the world. half women, half phd. post docs. 21 countries, all major religions. you see them on the website. project and then 128 advisors, poets, governors, activists, teachers, professors, religious scholars, a very diverse. and then outside scientific advisors that tested our bottles and what we did is we only modeled things that had extended peer reviewed signs and extensive economic data. and it was scaling.