. >> michigan congressman andy levin tweeted a photo of himself in yoga pose saying quote in a moment of intense anger, i turn inward. let us release toksicity. >> i feel like that's the perfect yoga pose for democratic leadership. very little action, and your head is basically up your own ass. because i don't know if anybody voted for the performance-- people just want things done. no one cares about kente kotts or singing on the national steps or especially poetry, i feel like any moment chuck schumer will take a knee in the capitol and be like we are all pregnant now and we're standing together. why do democrats do this? why do they do this? not once have i seen mitch mcconnell come out and sing a song about how overwhelmed he. is he just gets things done, he doesn't come out oh, nobody knows the trouble i've seen. ♪ no, every time he used his power to make a new rule, in fact, that presidents can't appoint judges if it is an election year and they're black. >> i didn't make him black, that was his dad. in fact watching the democrats respond and knowing, knowing that they had multi