elizabeth dwoskin, the brilliant silicon valley reporter for the washington post will in fact be discussing some of these topics tomorrow. all these problems are extremely challenging, and we need to find ways to address them. but they shouldn t make us lose sight of the fact that technology can also help us accomplish great things. it ultimately comes down to how the various tools our very clever species is creating get used, and that depends on the values, ethics, and goals of those wielding them, as well as how democratically and equitably these fruits wind up getting shared. so it s a great privilege for us to be able to present to you now someone who has created initiatives over the past couple of decades that may just be the most inspiring and positive uses of cutting-edge technology we have ever run across. rebecca moore is a visionary engineer and computer scientist who conceived and leads the google earth outreach program, which supports nonprofits, communities, and indigenous peoples around the world in applying state-of-the-art mapping tools to some of the world s most pressing p