business will only get better, and when they go to teach political science, let them go, then irina yuryevnat by and can't go. she is just an employee, because she works like that, because she comes out at a rally. it is not required. she understands that if she is in uniform, if it is up to possible, additional responsibility. sorry, be kind. and what is it, maybe we will have an army, if we equate officials with officials like that, here, as if you were leaving, only according to the application it does not work. so, it’s like we don’t really trust an official that he’ll go to this damned smell with his bad values, pick up something there that we don’t have and bring something here, too, picked up. to be honest, we do not trust. we've already got it. we've had enough for 30 years, but not useful we are more. and naturally, we must limit our meaning. now you can stand krug. you yourself may not be able to figure out what is good, what you will have in each of them, they themselves are state institutions, and you want to tell them what is good. and what’s bad, because they’re fools, they can