kolosov ceded a piece of land in novaya riga and five, or rather six gas stations, to shuvalom.huvalov won't get away, damn it. nerves yury nikolayevich , excuse me, of course, but you have somehow changed recently. lost weight, or something, i don’t recognize myself in the mirror. because of this, shuvalov and half of the city quarreled with my wife, strangers, i don’t see my daughter for half a year, this is scum. she drives around the city with flashing lights. but if sultanov speaks, he will not speak, he will sing with us so precisely. permission to work. come on , are you here? stand i can't talk now, i'll call you back later. yeah, what are you doing here with his wife giving birth? well breathe. si, you'll have tea. i don't want to. as you wish, i came to check in, and you already checked in. here you eat in full. and you are young healthy beautiful. where did you drag me wifey? it's great. yes, the sun, of course, found out. are you driving yourself? i released mishka according to the family. good you. no, it's not for you that you hungry? well, look at something in the