. >> and a question that i'm getting to you, not mine, doctor, koonin, you come from the political left that he is powses the narrative. on the right many believe it's a chinese hoax, do you see any hope of the realistic viewpoint gaining traction in the area. >> as to my own political affiliations, i've never registered with a party. i'm an independent. and i did serve in the obama administration. my idea of what scientists should be doing in the political realm is provide advice, analysis, options, but not make the decisions. and i tried to do that when i was in the private sector and when i was in the government. you know, i think it's best if we try to stay apolitical, as does the military and the judiciary. many of my colleagues don't subscribe to that, unfortunately. when you get politicians, industry leaders in a closed room, with an honest discussion, it's a very different kind of conversation than what you see in public. that's all. >> okay. so you mentioned the public reaction that could be quite strong. how soon do you see that coming on? >> well, you know, the whole climate