pete maniel: obsession is e word, anit'sure insa ty. cy yng, jr.'s someing fferent ery ti you swinthe club.dal raord: i beeve we a p lay the ga for theame thin and we have fo400 ye s.that etional feeling imp ac that'she momen thate play for.dwight bson: and play ery day at i canet up t ofhe b. matt bacoate, jr.: mental therapy, physical ther apy, and sp ort. cy young, jr.: but hower, it'the chal nge is what love out playing golf. 's the challen . it'she purchal nge. te mcdanl: becau nhing ats you like golf just absutely hamms you on d ays. buthen the nexday, itmay kissou on the ch eek anleave u justotally in le all ov aga inspeake2: i think it helpmy ment outlookjust genal lyyou know. billy gardenhit: i jt put christ fst, fami second, anthen golf. cortez baxter: when everything cut and dried, said and do ne e swg is thehi ng. upr bo, lower dy-- 's got tmove tog's jt like m ic rm on evybody knows the muni. just about everybody in western north caro lina that learned to play golf, thi s is where they learned to play it, including me. [jazzyusi