aib declined to comment.references what appears to be a company, celtic properties d00, and there's an intriguing note. "for apartment noj64 in blue horizon." so where is blue horizon and apartmentj64? bad money likes to hide in beautiful places. the money we're following landed in an irish bank account — celtic properties d00. "celtic" suggests an irish company. but the "d00" is what takes us here. "d00" is a common abbreviation used in countries with slavic languages. it means "limited company". and this one is in montenegro. a montenegrin property development company with irish owners. it's surprising to find irish developers building apartments on the adriatic coast in this small balkan country. but montenegro — populationjust 700,000 — is a surprising place. it's a member of nato but has strong political ties to russia. it's not in the eu, but it wants in and uses the euro as currency. and it's laundered euro, 275,000, that bought one apartment from irish property developers here, that's the focus as i f