and so herman neck was now talking about studies in which have been shown that omega-3s can provoke arrhythmiaslly for dietary supplements, omega-3 from food does not provoke anything, but the dose was also established there if a person takes more than 1 g of omega-3. we have these dietary supplements and dietary supplements, no matter how it is a medicine and no one regulates the dose, and at the same time, we also have drugs with omega-3, so now it is absolutely clear that the dose should be controlled. do not think that now the more i drink, the better if the substance works, it always has a side effect. if it doesn't work, then it's a side effect. these are active good substances, the dose is not more than a gram. if you are taking more than one gram, two, three or four, the doctor will prescribe this dose only as a drug. and if without a doctor there are no more than grams per day, once again these are good drugs, omega-3s are not saturated, fatty acids are so effective that there are even side effects. obviously not for long. let's take a break and then we'll continue. so now we have fun