timothy mcvay is a fan of behold a pale horse. but also it's really popular in the hip-hop fan community and the idea that, you know, jay-z's and illuminati mastermind. these very disparate communities unite behind holding william cooper's behold a pale horse in high regard. and part of that is -- all encompassing cooper's narrative is and it has to be all encompassing because he has a very direct philosophy. as he writes, i do not believe in faith. i do not believe in accidents. i cannot and will not accept the theory that long sequences of unrelated accidents determine world events. remind us of anything? >> -- causality? >> bingo. cooper is an excellent example of that idea of mechanist or causality, of that idea that evelyn brought up a four, right, that there has to be a reason. for cooper, everything happens for a reason. there is no contingency. there is no accident. which means that when the question of extraterrestrial life comes along, it also is going to have to be folded into his grand conspiracist narrative. and coope