that is why we are going with the help of tom demark and his team at demark analytics, whose work youollow. he is legendary in this business. he and his team have an incredible track record that goes back decades. what you need to know is he is feeling good about vast swabs of the stock market. demark is all about trying to identify when markets are likely to change course, ideally ahead of time. that is why he is always on the hunt for signs of trend exhaustion and price reversal inflection points. those are the language that he likes and i have learned to use it, too. i don't want to go into too much detail about how it works, partly because it is complicated and some of this is proprietary. you can go to to learn more. it comes down to the basics of supply and demand. remember at the end of the day, the stock market is a market and all markets are controlled by supply and demand. when demand is greater than supply, stocks go up. when supply is greater than demand, stocks go down. he has made his career spotting these moments of dynamic change. it makes sense to me, ver