in 201 ere was fire, e camp fire upn paradi, california. at was fther awafrom us, buthe smokand everhing it was, u know, l throug sonomaounty, a the wayown tohe bay aa. then kind of came unstling beuse itad happed two yrs in a w, th with mo fires, d, viously,ur fire st year 2020as vy closto us. john: there s diffent leve of stresand anxiy as the fis evolveover t last fe year the waldridge fire s lirally buing on t propty behinour ranc that te of t year--i aust, septber, octer--is en we ha all of r listock he on thisroperty. all the asses ardried, a were feedi everydy here. we he 600 co to milkwice a da another00 anima, the younr animal that ne to be d. i had many ofy friend and ers call me and text me and say, "jo, you ne help moving your animals?" there would be nowhere to go with that ny animals, evenf we cou move th. it st was impossibl diane:s a faer, yourirst inclation iso protecyour anims, prote your emplees, proct your buildingor facily, your nd. john: withhe mandary acuationwe actually become ansland, swe're suosed to be gon everythg's blockad. our bgest challee was geing thin in