his beloved attorney carine williams. about the significance of why he was held, like herman wallace, and like robert king, for so many years? again, to be dubious distinction of the longest held prisoner in solitary confinement in this country for over 43 years? >> good morning, amy. i can talk about that. as you mentioned, he was convicted wrongfully in 1972 along with herman wallace for the murder of the corrections officer, officer miller. at the time, just by happenstance come the supreme court had declared that penalty unconstitutional in america. and so our position has been, based on the evidence as we litigated the case and herman's case and albert's case, that prison oicials really put them in theells a told them that ey were ing to throw away the key since they could not execute them. so it was intended to be an extra punitive sentence that was not given to them by a judge or through any lawful process, but by these prison offials at angola prison. and for the next -- in albert's case, 44 years, nearly 44 years