medicine, which we see daily in telegram channels in photos from acquaintances there, kherson, dniprovskyl market. international conventions say that everything that the occupiers have at least something for the civilian population of the occupied territories is doing, but they themselves feel like they are dreaming of entering there, that they do not even try to set up supply lines for something there, now the active population of the points in the northeast of the region is really vacating, and we see that after being released from the bank, they are simply trying to destroy these settlements to the knee, the heroic actions of the national police, especially the boryslav district, manage to bring them out of from these shellings of people with disabilities, people who could not leave this territory before that. and i will remind you that people from vysokopilsk, oleksandrivsk , vorontsov, kotsyubynsk communities, and those who went to the free territory of ukraine or on foot or on bicycles, those who could not do this, those who have certain health problems "i am now, in fact, with hero