this is andrei manuelo political scientist, good evening. and vyacheslav ershakov scientists. the new weapons are in the hands of those who love to fight, and people will always fight, so skeptics are my guests today. this is konstantin shurunov, a specialist in the field of information security. good evening. i am anatoly petrenko, psychologist, specialist in information-psychological warfare and psychological operations. good evening at the end programs our guests and optimists will make a prediction. with what probability in 10 years science will make the information war impossible about the history of information wars will tell in our expert professor kapustin the most ancient warriors were already necessarily accompanied by lies and propaganda to psychological influences. combat, the cry of the attackers. this is probably the very first psychological weapon alexander of macedon used intimidating masks, developing banners of broken shot, and that's all. it was to intimidate the enemy that hannibals spread rumors about the power his army, as well as an epidemic disease in t