well, gollum... ...you're an expert on rings. what do i do with this one?hat package are you thinking? mm, this one comes with music and flowers. oh, they even stream the whole thing live on the internet. why would we want that? 'cause there's a lot of gorgeous blondes out there who don't believe they can land a short, nearsighted scientist. let's give them hope. whatever. put us on the internet. i've always wanted a wedding with a comment section. i-if you're not into this, we can do it another time. no. no, i want to. look, we've put this off long enough. let's do it. aw. that's exactly what you said the first time we slept together. (ringtone playing) oh, excuse me. sheldon. hey. leonard, have you gotten married yet? no. why? good. don't do it! why not? some important new information has come to light. women are the worst. i thought it was paper cuts, but i was wrong. no piece of paper ever cut me this deep. what happened now? amy has ended our relationship.