ritz was one of the two detectives who repeatedly interviewed jay wiles. if you can take it from there, jay wiles, the key prosecution witness who has changed his story over and over and then the prosecution saying to the jury, igniting he was unreliable, "don't worry, the cell phone pinging information backs up what he said." douglas colbert? >> i was present at the first trial which people are not speaking about these days. but the first drug resulted in a mistrial -- the first trial resulted in a mistrial, a case in which the judge interrupted the trial. i was speaking to the jurors as they left the courtroom and i had sat throu jay wiles testimony and he gave different versions of what happened. for five different times he contradicted himself. if you get that once in a trial, thatecomes your reasonable doubt for a jury to acquit the defendant. but this individual witness was so ineffective, it was a pitiful performance and yet when he had a second chance because the judge declared a mistrial, that then allowed therosecution to "clean up" the witness's