as years went on that is when the moore v. harper case came along we decided to do what the supreme court is suggesting. we litigated the redistricting map in state court. and again, we prevailed in state court. in fact the state supreme court ruled that the congressional map was an extreme, intentional, partisan gerrymandering directed to the legislature to fix it. the legislature had to follow the directive of the court. and so now we have a new map. the map is a fairer map than it was originally, but unfortunately the plaintiffs in the case have now, or at least the defendants in the case, have now taken the matter to the supreme court and supreme court is now going to have to decide whether or not state courts have any authority whatsoever over election laws within the state. and so i guess my question is, professor, i guess you're still with us, online, are we overreacting? or is it likely that the supreme court will decide that state legislatures can enact the election laws affecting federal elections and deny this state courts