you can lose nia long and the finals in the same year, but you gotta pick a l, okay? want to talk about tonight. topic one. [applause] [sighs] the question on many people's minds-- who's gonna be the gop's presidential candidate in 2024? ron desantis or donald trump? desantis is making a strong case. when trump goes low, well, desantis drops down and gets his eagle on, too. - all right? - [laughter] he sent a plane full of immigrants to martha's vineyard which i still think is an evil genius move to make the democrats face their hypocrisy on immigrant issues, when they never have to deal with the cost of consequences, but, i digress. ron is working overtime to take trump's spot, which is increasing speculation that he's gonna be the gop nominee in 2024, so i need to go to the panel. uh, ari, who is worse for the country, don or ron? it's a great question. uh... donald trump's against democracy. ron desantis wants to be like donald trump. so it would be very close, 'cause he's really - mimicking him. - okay. it's a bit like drake said, "you thought that we were enemies