total, fair just damages, to plaintiff david wheeler and against alex jones, add line a and line b, $55 francine wheeler, dev mation slander, $24 million, b, emotional distress damages past and future, $30 million. four just and reasonable damages to plaintiff francine wheeler and against alex jones, add line a and line b, total $54 million. to plaintiff jacqueline, defer mation/slander damages past and future. $10 million. b, emotional distress damages past and future $18,800,000. total fair just and reasonable damages, jacqueline and against alex jones, add line a, and line b, 28 million, 800,000 dollars. >> to plaintiff mark, defer mation/slander damages, past and future, $25 million. b, emotional distress damages, past and future, 32 million,600,000 dollars. total fair just and reasonable damages, to plaintiff mark and against alex jones and free speech systems, add line a and line b, $57,600,000, initialed by juror number one. to plaintiff nicole, a, defamation/slander damages, past and future, $32 million. b, emotional distress damages, past and future, $41,600,000. total, fair, j