and diane kruger!s is "the daily show with trevor noah." ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you coming out in person. look at this! we are going to have a great time! take a seat, everybody. we've got a great show for you tonight. chinatown is getting a whole new meaning. elon musk is an all our dms, and ronny chieng throws eggs at halloween. so let's do this, people, let's jump straight into today's headlines. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] all right, people, i'm gonna be honest, with all the news happening right now, i don't think we have enough space in today's show. and i tried everything. everything i could. i even tried putting all the news in a panini press and smushing it down, but it didn't work. the news just became crispier and more delicious. we still don't have enough time. fortunately, not enough time is just enough time for a segment we call "ain't nobody got time for that." [che