and initially i came up with in igi are the only thing he said was well we got to have a subtitle and i think he said we we got i think he said that partly for i for bibliographical reasons. he just said you can't you to have a subtitle and i you know it took me, you know, took me a day or two to come up with the subtitle, but that's the only thing about the with publishing house. and the question of the title. i have had a lot of people who've been very angry have expressed anger at me for fraud for the title. so there are people, for instance, who said, oh, kennedy, you know, you're just a sensei socialist. you know, this was this was just a sensationalist way of your trying to, you market your you know, your writing and, of course, on that one. i said, yeah you're one great, right? you know. yeah. how dare you try to bring people to your book exactly right. what's wrong with you? another one. this is a this is another. and we have we try to get as many and if okay as i know we needed 2 hours for this conversation because it's so rich for predominantly white schools looking to write