so on, yes, factories were taken away, but they broke everything, well, that is, it is the russian rdaow the new century works, nothing has changed, well, we have what we have, i hope all the ships will stay here and will remain at least for a certain time . by the way, about the names of the ships and rostov-on-the-don lady leila chu lady leila and they would call the lady maryana daria damaria is vladimir kyrylov e rusych three e somewhere there was some kind of trouble hmm something else was there vera vrp yes, there was some kind of pilagia and there was some kind of pilagia here, but somewhere here i missed it, well, the elephant is different and then they affect the swimming pool , somehow it somehow strangely ended up nested here, our this viktor fedorovich leonid hotkin - val gadon another volga to well and so further, as if clearly there is a lot here, professor katsman even came to us, well, that's it also the excitement near kerch, everyone arrived but they can't swim further. so it seems to me that those statements that the city was already being repaired can be said that t