supreme court was an ally to conservative, reactionary, monied forces. this court denied black people american citizenship in dred scott, gave corporations the right to exploit workers, allowed states to sterilize feebleminded patients in the 1920's. they said three generations of imbeciles is enough. the court had a brief golden age in the 1950's, 1960's and early 1970's and has periodically done the right thing ever sense, but most of the court's history is bleak and distressing. what i hope is that americans who have come to rely on the court as this guarantor of equal rights and individual liberties will wake up to the fact that that is a fantasy in 2022. we need the democratic process to enshrine these rights in a way that cannot be taken away by a single justice dying and getting replaced by an extremist. we need people on the ground engaged in coalition building and passing laws that will stick. we simply cannot rely on unelected judges to do this work for us, even if they should. you know, they are not going to for a long time. so people need to be individually, directly involved in this, demanding their elected representatives stand up and do the work. >> it might sound cliche or like a bumper sticker saying but i think