and why did you also make me create my own name sake digital currency kylie coin which is now worth 1 a penny i rehomed all my holding at the peak. >> celebrities who backed crypto need to endorse respectable businesses like high interest credit cards and sports gambling websites. >> kylie, i dumped my entire life savings into kylie coins. and i'm absolutely destitute. but i want you to know, i am doing great. yeah. for food, i've been stealing slop from local swine. i drink out of my neighbor's loosely guarded birdbath. i've been airbnbing my house and sleeping in the walls. for spending money, the high school science teacher gives me a shot of whiskey and has his students dissect me and moonlighting as a wealthy man's backpack. fella at the diner pays me a quarter to tie increasingly heavy dumbbells to my scrotum. you know what can be a shoe, two socks. i won't tell you highway i make rent, but right after work i'm dropping my boxer briefs in an envelope to croatia, so i'm going to be all right. >> okay. >> all right. we love you. we love what you're doing. >> thank you. >>> when "t