ms. danley, the agent of the federal bureau of investigation known for crushing they hunter biden laptop story briefed. the d test is cyber security and infrastructure security agency, on her vision of the ideal media miss tim low, was asked to provide her thoughts. she stated, we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable. we need to early educate the populace, and that to day critical thinking seems to be a problem. currently, the department of homeland security was set up post 911 to count to foreign terror groups. and now it's fighting dis information. is this america's new war on terror, or is it a terror on its own citizens? freedoms guaranteed by the 1st amendment. ria for national, with the report. no former is really a buster to the u. n. danny delane has slammed a united nations order, demanding foreign inspectors be allowed to examine the countries nucular facilities are un general. assembly committee recently overwhelmingly voted to pass that resolution, including, to compel israel to the close of any atomic weapons it may have. that's unfortunate because all those