we go to a break, it's time to check in on all the latest social media trends with our very own ronny chiengeers and applause] what's going on, ronny? >> thank you, thank you. i love social media. it's the one place you can keep the thanksgiving fights going all year long. here is what is trending today, okay? there is this weird video on tiktok of a dog dancing around in the forest. and now parents are showing their kids that video and tricking them into believing that the dog was them as a baby. now what i just said may not make any sense. but trust me, after you watch it, it will somehow make even less sense. just take a look. ♪ ♪ >> remember? ♪ ♪ >> you were just born. >> okay, stop. stop the video. a prudent, if you are watching this, please just nuke us right now, because if you are going to gaslight kids, men in black brainwash them, at least give them a good fake memory. make them believe that two years ago, you got them a new tendo instead of losing their college fund in bitcoin. because this challenge is just mean. even woody allen is like, this is no way to treat your own k kids.