uh, who will listen to you is needed, boguslan needs a demand plan and you need an offer.ther era, that's the end of the era. and yes, well, you're here, people hear. that is, the government, of course, and belousov, uh, wrote to the government, mishustin, guys, to replace it. brake. there is no need for any regulation. that is, in principle, the voice of common sense. you're just saying, it's true, right, then two military commissars spoke. you know, let's serve a year in the army instead of two years. why 2 years? this is something that cannot be learned in a year. i have experts comrade maione military. i say in a year you can teach people practically, yes, that is, the second year has its advantages in terms of transfer there. uh, there skills in terms of. there's a whole range of things. yes, but in principle, you can teach in a year, even more profitable in a year, teach later, if you need to call for something, you need training, because everything changes very quickly redundant initiatives. and if you look still into the future, 2023. what are the plans what will i