if i could become a tv presenter here, i would be like giovanna chavez and married a musician at aliciballerson, then they could afford to pay for children in kindergarten and buy a house in a trendy area. at bolivia has preserved such a huge number of nationalities, because they resisted the conquerors like no one else. they stubbornly defended their traditions, their culture, clothes , dishes and rituals. i definitely would not leave the house without a catfish with a protective cream. the storehouse is very close to the sun, so there is a very high level of ultraviolet. well , imagine, if all over the world, uh, the ultraviolet index is 11 and everyone says don’t go out into the sun, it’s no longer a disaster, then the average is 16. and never the sun and when overcast and when the rain is still the same. before a walk, we always put sunscreen on children, but at the same time, parents must also coat them from head to toe before sending them to kindergarten. i got burned only once in my life, the funny thing is that it didn’t happen in lapas, but in a city at a much lower altitude. and how,