and there they decided to hold the process in the kirov regional court in order to eliminate any doubtsrdict. dozens of years have passed, but the former judge nikolai muravyov still cannot find an explanation for the motives of the four killers for some bestial motives, these inhuman cruelties are worse than these predators. lyudmila schastlivtseva at that time was a young girl as a secretary of the court session, she happened to feel all the abomination of these non -humans on herself simakov will definitely say some vulgarity. and lyudmila schastlivtseva in the eighty- seventh year, the secretary of the court session of the kirov regional court, mananov, with great enthusiasm and monstrous savoring of details , told how he bullied defenseless girls. it gave some special pleasure to tell, well, not about the murders. and here is precisely on actions sexual character. none of the defendants seemed to believe in the possibility of being shot, they all hope for humane soviet justice. many more episodes have been revealed. it seemed the verdict here would be unequivocal all four scoundrel