yeah, no bro, i j, mariah boss gave him his own projects shortly after he started. his employer already has experience with indian programmers working remotely and is really happy to have mariah working on site here in germany. on to piano from the house will be with us via we've already tried out a few things, such as commissioning offshore companies in india, the ballpark tom doff wakeman reserves, working with offshore companies, there is tricky english to come, so i am for aunt communication is not exactly easy for them, but see if it was recording quick to put her doing it as being as invalid berkeley, shirt off. emily's, that's why we need to bring employees here to germany, montoya, or find someone in germany who can work for us on site. or since we discussed things as a team or how to your guns feeder dinner, him team off courts, meager of push, pushing more and more indians like i j, mariah coming to kin gemini recruiting is a growing business programmers and engineers from india seek work in germany the us and canada, europe has an especially good reputatio