squeezing and squeezing him from the donetsk land, we are standing on pawns in front of us, already pervomayka all, the lives of soldiers. and not sparing the enemy. uh, artillery, working round the clock to answer them. they answer less and less over time, since to see the shortage of ammunition recently two weeks ago already, like reinforcements arrived. well, it turned out by radio intercepts. about two battalions e, either polyakov or combined battalions, but ukrainian russian speech is less and less. well, we are not ashamed to meet them, the battle tactics over the past six months have changed dramatically now. we're just standing quietly, moving forward, and for the most part. we just grind. these are the units that are throwing everything every day, throwing, throwing into battle. i don’t know what they hope for, you see, ukrainian mobilized people are starting to run out. here even about the recent breakthrough in the direction of the sand from the side of the ukrainian military, who fought off this, they say that well, it was too strange for them to observe such a picture when the mi