iron this is one of those reasons that it is actually necessary to study them and relatively shiguye gerasimova and this stars of heroes who they actually got it, it shows the russian society that the government can do everything and for the generals and for these, let's say, the leaders of the leaders, your kremlin shows that putin is not going to merge them yet i.e. stop attacking them because, in principle, they are under the personal protectorate of vladimir putin, mr. vladimir, then two small questions, if you say that they allow their power to beat them and allow them to steal , it means that they do not perceive their president as a neighbor, they do not perceive that he looted billions at the expense of their labor and now sends them to war like this. that is, we perceive our neighbors, our politicians as neighbors, that is, as people who walk the same streets, for them, the government is something sacred is right, that is, in principle, if he was elected there, then he has the right to steal, as of now, there is no other opinion for them. then the next question is under what conditions