ted de u. s. secretary of state anthony blink. and how said it's basically a done deal for sweden and finland to join the nato alliance. i'm confident that never will formerly welcome finland, sweden's member. soon since the nato summit in madrid are both countries have taken significant concrete actions to fulfill their commitments, including those related to the security concerns. on the part of our i'll, i, turkey will sweep just on that sweden has refused to comply with nato member turkeys request for a to extradite. at 2 people suspected of ties to a terrorist organization, a major sticking point. stockholm says it doesn't have sufficient grounds to believe that men in question committed criminal offenses, why ankara is adamant. it won't allow in sweden to join the alliance until it conducts those extra additions. among the reaction we got to this was from anti war activists, sorry, flanders. he says the us hasn't properly address tricky security concerns. sweden and us of course, are talking out of both sides of their mouth.