the head coach of the republic in freestyle wrestling, tsibik maksarov, no one immediately believed inded jacket. he silently, without attracting attention, proceeded into it, like his counterfeiters of those who were caught, here the operatives failed to detain them at their places of residence, judging by the appearance of the guests, they were not waiting for the police. hands hands up according to investigators, members of the criminal community, one of the leaders of which was the well-known buryat fighter tsibit maksarov, for the sake of profit, came up with a fraudulent scheme , registered numbers of fictitious cars in order to artificially create queues at the international checkpoint on the border of the trans-baikal territory and the people's republic of china. this is in order to then sell the reserved seats, real heavy trucks, which urgently needed to transport the goods of those who did not agree with such an order, intimidated and knocked down, blocked their fame in those formed from the network, or paid members of an able group for the opportunity to receive cargo to us