hi, i'm john howton with president and ceo of disability in a global non profit that empowers 250 multinational brands to achieve disability inclusion and quality. i'm going to share with you how to make your company disability, inclusive and 3 steps. step one, do the math. you may be thinking what's going to cost. how is this gonna positively impact my bottom line? and data says that on average, accommodations are less than $500.00. companies that prioritize disability inclusion out perform their peers. on average, with things like 28 percent higher revenue. 2 times the net income and 30 percent higher economic profit margins. so you have to ask yourself if you want your company to be innovative, because in fact many innovations were designed for and sometimes by people with disabilities. the bottom line is that it pays to be disability inclusive. that to build the road map. if you're trying to be inclusive, you need tools that are inclusive to everybody. do your marketing materials include people with disabilities so that people with disabilities can see themselves in your marketing materials