and we can now talk to nicholas drummond here, the defense industry analyst and a former officer in the british army. he specializes in land warfare. mister drummond, good to see you. now, given the scale and intensity of the war, could nato really not have foreseen? a shortage of ammunition maybe hasn't really invested in store houses. i mean ition since the end of the code 1990. and since that time, we've allowed our stalks to be depleted, and we also have to remember that we haven't seen a major european conflict for even longer than that. and so our model for planning how much ammunition that we might use are all outdated. and we just let the stock sort of dwindle over time. and you, we've paid the peace dividend because we diverted defense expenditure to other areas of government after the end of the cold war. and now we from that suddenly find ourselves involved in the shooting war. and everything that we thought that we knew about how we plan to do this is now wrong and needs to change radically. so we, we are making, sorry, yeah, just, just let me know if this could have been fo