vacations, it was not fair to wait any longer, it was time for us to rest a little , or the butler al-atasha the inscription of our old neighborhood board, and the simple question of a child can be be thirsty next to the water and don't have cravings in you as i grew older i understood his answer, the reason was hossein, hossein was a martyr, for abbas, a soldier who is easy, abbas sacrifices his life as if playing a game, killing a soldier, that is, this was an excuse at all, abbas was thirsty, hossein was thirsty, the children of the local board were thirsty, abbas was a childhood conversation , not unrelated to fate. we understood this later, they said that a man can be recognized from a coward when the war trumpet is played, they were right, they said that these wheelchairs are a sign of masculinity. whether the airport is waiting for the excitement of meeting and the time the place knows the zikr to say that it is the memory of a friend, and the result of that is high restlessness. father, god bless you. by dissolving the planes, they soar higher than the clouds, but not as much as a pe