scott mann was part of task force pine dollar the apple that helped charter flights out of afghanistanr before the committee today. thank you for being here. what will you tell congress today? >> thanks for having me on, todd. what i will try to do today is represent 800,000 war vets and their families and tell the story about how this impacted the families in a way that i don't think has been revealed and remind people why afghanistan matters a year and a half later. we've tried to turn the page on the country and a lot of veterans believe it will put us back. >> todd: this happened in august of 2021, i imagine the impact is still being felt today. what are these folks experiencing still to this day? >> imagine being on the world's longest 911 call, todd. afghan allies and special forces were hunted by the taliban, the veterans did pick up the phone and forming organizations like dunkirk and moral compass and task force pineapple. a lot of them did not make it, these veterans and other volunteers stayed on the phone for a year and a half cashing in pensions and kid's college funds to