for example, minister smotrich who actually liked a tweet that suggested one palestinian village, huwarae quote "erased" from the map. first i want to recommend you to check your facts. we don't attack civilians. we attack terrorists. i referred to civilian deaths, mr danon. the statistics are undeniable. in many cases those terrorists are hiding behind civilians and using them as human shields, but our intentions are peaceful. you will never see an israeli policeman or soldier attacking civilians. what we do, we protect our people and we try to neutralise the threat to our people and we regret the loss of any palestinian civilians. i'm sorry, mr danon. you seem to be ignoring the substance of my question which is about a particular palestinian village. i will answer your question but first let me complete my answer. they glorify the deaths of israeli civilians, they celebrate it. you can see the pictures and the videos, maybe you will show it, we don't do that. we regret the loss of life from every innocent men, whether it isjewish, christian or muslim, period. but the culture of hate i