, my dear, and he was, of course, less dimmed and he was localized at this place and according to kolkin defender. it was a castle, then i like all castles and it is the same weight that yana was from nullified by frequent budov the other half of the eighteenth year, and the third thing and just poobal on the sides. and there were just a report of the lining of the wall and such a member of the mach e budinok became symmetrical plans. and behind this glass, copies of the drawings of the same jan alibeker herself, the originals worked, the interior of the room is made in the style of the 18th century, but here you can look at the same time in several centuries during excavations , archaeologists found under the existing building of the western fregel, foundations, floors that date back to the seventeenth century, and according to the age vladislav the fourth at one time, he granted the magdeburg right to the place. here is such a diagram you are attached in this castle i will collect and visit the muse of inspiration. he will become the author of a unique code of laws of the statutory cla