for more, we are joined by lauren macivor thompson, a historian of birth control, specialist is specifically comstock act. lauren macivor thompson, if you can explain with this ruling is he invoked from the 19th century, 1870 what was a, 1879? 1873. >> 1873. you are right. this as a historian when i read the opinion on friday afternoon, i was just kind of gob smacked come although i guess we should not be surprised, jessica and alexis already pointed out. the comstock act was the product of anthony comstock who lobbied congress in 1873 and the law was passed in march 1870 three, so we are looking at 150 years now just last month. the law essentially criminalized anything having to do with sex at the federal level, and that included instruments that could be used for the prevention of conception or to procure abortion. so the judge to raise the comstock law from the dead, essentially, as a viable legal strategy in order to achieve a ban on medication abortion come as a historian, i really saw us coming full-circle and not in a good way. amy: talk more about this. talk or about who comstock wa