one of the tourist attractions of gaz is the agricultural town of sarth, which has turned the city intothe tourist centers of kashan city. the harvest season of burdock fruit in the city of sarth starts from the end of march, which is the reason why many tourists come to the big city in this month as well . the people of kashan celebrate the first days of spring by picking burdock flowers and extracting burdock root . they start the new year, a start full of a good feeling of life, hoping for days full of handicrafts, the museum of the great heritage of architecture and native culture, and the film of gilan province . it was really different to help the ladies and gentlemen . we will provide you with 9,000 people in the permanent exhibition. humanities and mathematics and round-the-world round-up package , the entrance exam simulator and the round-the-world , booklets with supporting tests , when with free test, buy online from good evening , welcome to the news section of khabar network at one in the morning according to the decision of the council of ministers, all inst