scott sprague: it's a pretty good sized one. johnny devenanzio: yeah.e actually listening to, the satellite sending out the beeps. these over here are anchors for the gps unit. we can download that data, and we'll see exactly where this tortoise has moved. we'll know if it attempted to cross the road, if it went across the crossing, if it didn't. listen, buddy, no crossing the street. ok? let's follow him back to his home. you're going home. well, it's almost sunset. animals are crepuscular. they like the sunset and the sunrise, so that's a good time to go see the most activity on the bridge. that would wrap this day up perfectly. yeah. no promises, but we'll see what we see. ok. (whispering) i mean, what's the odds of us seeing something? it's 50-50, but that's why we got our cameras. (whispering) yeah. nothing has come across this bridge. (whispering) i know, yeah. it's kind of disappointing. they're going to cross as soon as we take off, right? [laughs] oh, look, look, look. johnny devenanzio: (whispering) what? do you see something? (whispering) you