the appellant is james lipsett, the owner of the property to the immediate west at 25. oh, nine pacific avenue. the appellant alleges that the fire escape is both permitted and legal. and, more importantly , the fire escape is rightfully belongs to him as well since the fire escape is also attached to his building at 25. oh, nine. and the appellant's preferences to keep the fire escape exactly where it is. i'm gonna go ahead and show you a map of the subject property. this shows the property on the south side of pacific avenue between steiner and peers. um, below the map. it is. the street view, which i think you saw earlier showing the subject property, um on the left, 25 07 and the appellant's property at 25. oh, nine. on the right. the fire escape is in between. these two properties. here's a close up picture. of the fire escape. it's in between the two buildings in, um what is considered the six ft wide breezeway. um that's between the property. below is a sanborn map showing the footprint of the two properties and, um purple is pretty much the location of the prope