will the georgian authorities move closer to moscow the opinion was shared by the diplomat oleksandr levchenkooadcast continues, friends, we are just now talking with the diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the republic of croatia, 2010-2017, oleksandr levchenko from we are in direct contact mr. oleksandr our congratulations studio congratulations let's talk with you about what is happening now with georgia and with russian-georgian relations because the president of russia russian dictator vladimir putin canceled visas for citizens of georgia and allowed flights to russian airlines in response to such actions the president of georgia said that this is all a provocation, what do you say about this mr. oleksandr, well , we know the nature of relations between russia and georgia since 2008, in fact, in 1992, there was abkhazia was captured by the russian federation with the help of bicycle forces, and in 2008, so to speak, there was a provoked military attack on south ossetia. and of course , the loss of these territories is a deep wound for georgia, the georgian