the about rick ology receives from our aesop structure.a benefit that was put in place in the tax law in the late nineties, and 97 98 , there were specific changes to tax law that were intended to promote employee ownership. the important thing to point out for us is that the cost of maintaining that benefit that is the cost of providing the benefit to employees that reach retirement. far exceeds the cost . uh where we a taxpayer, so in fact, if you're trying to measure profitability um, the fact that we're in aesop actually. cost more money than what would be paid in taxes under a um, hypothetical tax rate. we do a tax calculation as part of our annual valuation process so that, um the sa payment is probably anywhere to 20 to 50% more than what we would pay in taxes. the other important thing i want to point out with respect to the aesop is that we have from its inception , used it as um, kind of a way to help. motivate and encourage our employees to take that pride of ownership again. that's the that was the impetus for the tax structure