i'm todd dewey, and i'm an ice road trucker.tackle the toughest terrains. come on, girl. and made driver todd dewey a star. sure, baby. that's it! off the ice! it wasn't just about the trucking. it's about the dangers that we got to go through, the roads we got to travel in order tojust deliver goods for people to survive. when you come to the uk, we have very different driving conditions, and yet i presume you have this kind of bond with drivers and truckers wherever they're from? yeah, you know what? getting to know other truckers, just like truckers here at the uk, getting to talk with them about stories, and interchange stories on what i did driving, or what they did driving, there's always room to learn. steve graham is risking his truck and his life to board a barge. - steve graham, from australia's 0utback truckers, is another star guest. i it is good to share with people, | you know, the hardships involved in trucking sometimes — - the tyranny of the distances. i mean, back home i had ajob to do, 1,000 kilometres. - the